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This 2018 PlayMakers Repertory Production of Moliere's Tartuffe features haute couture inspired clothing with Baroque embellishments designed by Anne Kennedy. This was a very active performance, so care was taken to maintain the integrity of the clothing throughout the action. For example, Elmire's bodice tucks into her pant, and to keep it in place, the bodice peplum buttons to her shapewear, and the large belt hooks onto the pants waistband. Orgon's lace vest back is stitched down to the lining so that it does not snag when he slides on the floor on his back.


For this production I was the draper for:

  • Elmire's look: Hot pink bodice with separate lace trimmed collar, wide leg pants

I was the tailor for:

  • Orgon's look: vest with lace back, fully lined velvet pants, applique embellished coat, tie, and shirt collar

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